
When scraping the web, you may want to wait for various elements. BrowserAPI offers you the options to wait for almost everything related to the targeted website.

The wait_until parameter

Passing the wait_until parameter to your request tells the browser that a certain promise is still ongoing, hence preventing the service worker from terminating until the promise is resolved.

Your full GET request should then be sent to the following address:<YOUR_API_KEY>&url=<TARGETED_URL>&wait_until=$promise
Available options

The currently supported options for the wait_until parameter are:

  • load - load event is fired.

  • domcontentloaded - DOMContentLoaded event is fired.

  • networkidle0 - there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms.

  • networkidle2 - there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms.

The wait_for parameter

This option comes in handy when dealing with websites that have dynamic-generated content. Passing the wait_for parameter will instruct BrowserAPI to wait for a certain amount of time after the page finished loading and before closing the connection.

Your full GET request should then be sent to the following address:<YOUR_API_KEY>&url=<TARGETED_URL>&wait_for=$milliseconds

The values passed to the wait_for parameter are expressed in milliseconds. We recommend that you use a value between 5000 and 10000.

The wait_for_css parameter

When you want to scrape a specific element of the page, passing the wait_for_css parameter will make BrowserAPI wait for that specific CSS selector to be available in DOM before returning the result.

Your full GET request should then be sent to the following address:<YOUR_API_KEY>&url=<TARGETED_URL>&wait_for_css=$cssSelector

We recommend that the $cssSelector value should be encoded or escaped in order for your request to pass successfully.

Last updated