API Parameters

Customize the response from the Ebay API by adding parameters to your request.

IMPORTANT! The engine parameter should always be set to ebay!

The Ebay API is a powerful eBay scraping tool, made easy to use. Basically, in order to scrape eBay, all you have to do is send a GET request to our official endpoint followed by the parameters you chose to customize your request.

The Ebay API uses general parameters (applicable to any search type) and search type specific parameters (applicable to specific search types only). We will cover the search type specific parameters in each search category.

Here is the full list of the general parameters:


api_key required


Specify your unique API access key to authenticate with the API. You can find your API access key in your account dashboard.

engine required


The engine of the API. Needs to be set to ebay for all Ebay API requests.

type required


The Ebay API uses search types to return categorized results.

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